Statement on the AGCRC’s Project Evaluation and Selection Process for the Multi-year Implementation Plan

The Board of Directors and members of Partners for Environmental Progress (PEP) appreciate the time and effort that the members of the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council (AGCRC) and the staff of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) have invested in developing the Project Evaluation and Selection Process for the Multiyear Implementation Plan (MIP) development for Bucket 1 of the RESTORE Act.

What is Carbon Capture?

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), or what is sometimes called carbon capture and sequestration, is a technological method that captures large amounts (up to 90%) of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced from the use of fossil fuels to prevent them from being released into the atmosphere.

Information On the Proposed I -10 Bridge

PEP supports the buiding of a new I-10 River Bridge along the B-Prime Route. The materials below, provided by Build the Bridge Coalition, explain the current process and upcoming public hearingson the drfat Environmntal Impact study. It is critical that the business community attend the public hearings and voice support for buiding the bridge. PEP staff will present our updated comments and support at the hearings. Thompson Engineering Press Release.