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Reverse Trade Show Educational Seminar

8th Annual PEP Reverse Trade Show Education Seminar

OCTOBER 19, 2023
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Fort Whiting Auditorium
1630 S. Broad Street
Registration 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Free and Open to the Public, but registration is required. Register by emailing Lindsey at lindsey@pepmobile.org

TOPIC: What’s in Your Wallet? Reduce Waste and Save Money

Description: The goal of the UA SafeState Pollution Prevention Program is to ensure that a business can yield an economic advantage while also protecting public health and the environment. Making Alabama businesses as economically efficient as possible creates jobs and improves Alabama’s economy. Funded by a grant from the U.S. EPA, the UA SafeState P2 Program assists businesses with free technical assistance and training to find ways to reduce waste and save money. By reviewing utility records and performing an onsite walkthrough, UA SafeState will identify all reasonable cost savings measures to assist the overall operations. Participating businesses will receive a no-cost, in-depth assessment of plant operations. This presentation provides an update on program activities and shares some identified best practices and low-hanging fruit for energy efficiency, water efficiency, chemical and waste reduction opportunities.

About the Speaker: Michael Rasbury has a bachelor’s degree in biology and geology and a master’s degree in geology from the University of Alabama. He has over 15 years of experience in the environmental regulatory and consulting field. He has been responsible for managing numerous projects working on environmental compliance and permitting for manufacturing facilities and commercial entities in the southeast United States. He is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) and a Certified Professional in Industrial Stormwater Management (CPISM). As Director, he is responsible for two State accreditation programs managed on behalf of the Department of Public Health and the Department of Environmental Management and is responsible for the budget and activities for four federally funded programs. He also serves on the Radiation Control Advisory Committee at the University of Alabama.


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