Trash Blows Pledge

Take the pledge to keep our waterways free of trash.

Take the Trash Blows! Stow It! Pledge for Businesses:

We promise to do our part to reduce trash blowing out of truck beds by educating our employees about problems caused by loose trash blowing out of trucks. We promise to remind our employees to be aware of trash in the truck beds of our fleet of vehicles and encourage them to stow it in a receptacle before hitting the road. Together we can keep our local watersheds preserved for swimming, fishing and boating.

Take the Trash Blows! Stow It! Pledge for Individual Truck Owners:

We promise to do our part to reduce trash blowing out of truck beds by educating our employees about problems caused by loose trash blowing out of trucks. We promise to remind our employees to be aware of trash in the truck beds of our fleet of vehicles and encourage them to stow it in a receptacle before hitting the road. Together we can keep our local watersheds preserved for swimming, fishing and boating.