PEP’s Partnership and Programs

- PEP launches three signature events: the Golf Tournament fundraiser, the annual membership meeting, and the Open House (later renamed the Industrial Reverse Tradeshow) (2000-2001)
- PEP Annual Awards, PEP Member Environmental Stewardship Awards launched 2005
- The Community Partner Award is established (2006). Recipients include:
- David Bagwell (2006)
- Russell Ladd III, for his presentation on the Mobile-Tensaw Delta in the Chuckfee Mysteries video (2007)
- Partnership with Church Street East Historic District, The Forum, and other partners to produce the Mobile Air Quality Study (2007)
- Produces a Hurricane Guide coloring book through Mobile United’s Natural Resources Committee (2007)
- Creates and begins researching By-Product Synergy (2008)
- Launches Central Gulf Coast By-Product Synergy Program (2009)
- Executive Director, Jennifer Denson, graduates Leadership Mobile Class of 2012
- Participates in Mobile Bay NEP’s Coastal Comprehensive Management Plan (2012 and 2019)
- PEP Board hosts a special Mobile Area Education Foundation 80/20 conversation (2012)
- Assists in creating the Clean Water Future Campaign, led by Mobile Bay NEP (2013)
- Serves on a temporary Quality of Life Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Committee to work on major green space initiatives ultimately leading to significant improvements in City parks and the Three Mile Creek Partnership (2014)
- Kickoff PEP’s multi-year media awareness campaign highlighting members’ environmental stewardship (2015)
- Striking a Balance: PEP designs an Oyster on the Oyster Trail (2015)
- Launches bi-monthly Lunch and Learn series of educational opportunities, free of charge for member employees (2015)
- Receives Dupont Foundation Grant in support of PEP’s public relations campaign highlighting members’ environmental stewardship (2016)
- Past President’s Council established to assist in an advisory role (2016)
- Initiates an Education Seminar as part of the Reverse Trade Show that is free and open to the public: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Systems: Risks, Security, Compliance and Innovation (2016)
- Supports Creek Fest (2015-present)
- Participant in the USDOT and Federal Highway Administration’s Gulf Coast Study on the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Transportation Systems and Infrastructure (2010-2014)
- Matches Mobile Bay NEP funding for pilot project Osprey Initiative’s “Litter Gitters” in Three Mile Creek (2017)
- Hosts Education Seminar: Industrial Automation and Technology Seminar: Improving Environmental Impacts & Human Performance (2017)
- Develops Small Business Guide to Sustainable Operations (2017)
- PEP establishes Science and Technology Scholarship Fund (2018)
- Hosts an Education Seminar: Employee Intrapreneurs: Create a Culture of Internal Innovation to Stimulate Creativity, Efficiency and New Market Sales (2018)
- Hosts an Education Seminar: Transportation & Logistics: Technology is Improving Capacity, Safety and Environmental Impacts while facing Aging Infrastructure and Increased Tonnage. (2019)
- Hosts First Continental Pheasant Shoot, with all net profit to be invested in the Scholarship Fund (2019)
- Hosts Highway 43 Environmental Session and Social: educational and networking event for manufacturing plants on the Highway 43 corridor (2019)
- PEP’s ED participates in MAWSS’ first Citizen Advisory Water Academy (2019)
- PEP assists in establishing Mobile City and County Green Team to evaluate ways to reduce the use of single use plastics in government offices and operations (2019-present)
- Provides support to PEP members during COVID-19 pandemic, including researching issues, determining business needs, and providing updates on government/agency updates and regulations
- Along with Mobile Bay National Estuary Program and Dog River Clearwater Revival, PEP launches the Trash Blows! Stow It! campaign, a truck trash education program targeting PEP member companies, other local businesses and truck owners (2021)
- With member companies as partners, PEP coordinates “Cause to Clean,” cleanup events with member company employees aimed at reducing litter in targeted areas around Mobile County (2022)
- PEP and the University of South Alabama Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences partners with The Eagle Reef to expand the project to deploy 1,000 reefs (2023)
- Adds a new category to the Environmental Stewardship Awards, for small businesses with 50 employees or less (2024)