PEP Members Spearhead Solutions to Shoreline Erosion
Communities throughout the Gulf Coast face difficult decisions in how to best manage and adapt to shoreline erosion. Man-made disturbances, rising sea levels, and larger, more power storms have resulted in severe shoreline erosion over the past several decades. Partners for Environmental Progress member organizations are stepping up to tackle these issues by protecting, enhancing, and restoring coastal habitats, the state’s greatest economic and environmental asset.
Alabama’s white sand beaches and coastal dunes are naturally dynamic. The ever-changing shoreline is shaped by fluctuations in sea level, wave action, Gulf currents, prevailing winds, storms, erosion, and deposition. This results in a diversity of habitats that defend against storm surge and flooding, provide critical habitat for fish, crabs, and oysters, and serve as havens for migratory birds and other wildlife.
Man-made environments, on the other hand, are static. Buildings and infrastructure are largely incompatible with the natural movement of coastlines and dunes. Historic attempts to tame and stabilize shorelines, along with other human disturbances, have negatively impacted the resiliency of coastal habitats and their ability to rebound from hurricanes, flooding, and erosion. Destruction of coastal habitats leaves man-made environments more vulnerable to natural disasters and negatively impacts local fisheries.
Working in Harmony with Nature