PEP Member News May 2018 Issue

This month, we highlight PEP Award winners: Thompson Engineering and Prism Systems. Please take a moment to read these award summaries and understand the impact of their PEP Award-winning projects.

PEP Member News April 2018 Issue

This month, we highlight the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program Community Action Committee’s Volunteer Water Monitoring initiative. Please see the article below and consider getting involved with this worthwhile program.

PEP Member News March 2018 Issue

I hope the first quarter of 2018 has been prosperous and productive! We have been in planning mode for the many events coming up in the next few months. Please make sure your calendar is marked for the Annual Meeting and Environmental Stewardship Awards on April 17 and the 18th Annual Golf Tournament on May 4. These two events, as well as our Membership Breakfast, are outlined in this month’s newsletter.

PEP Member News February 2018 Issue

At our last PEP Membership Breakfast, we heard an interesting presentation regarding the benefits of Bioremediation from Bionetix International, Inc. I know some PEP members already use these types of “bugs” in your wastewater treatment. I would love to hear from you as to how you are utilizing, or could potentially benefit from utilizing this organic solution for water, as well as other waste issues. Take a moment to read this month’s newsletter and learn more.

PEP Member News January 2018 Issue

I would like to personally invite you to get involved in the MLK Day of Service, which PEP is sponsoring and will be held on Saturday, January 13. You can register and see more information in the attached newsletter. We all are committed to being good environmental stewards, and this event is a great opportunity to showcase those efforts. In keeping with the spirit of stewardship, PEP would like to continue recognizing the many member organizations that make considerable environmental impacts in the community.

PEP Member News December 2017 Issue

In keeping with the spirit of stewardship, PEP would like to recognize the many member organizations that make considerable environmental impacts in the community. Several of you responded to a recent Call for Member News by sending information on how you are participating in environmental initiatives. Please take a moment to read about these, in this monthly newsletter.

PEP Member News November 2017 Issue

This year we focused on Industrial Automation and Technology featuring case studies from some of our member companies’ innovative projects and experiences. Read more about the multiple speakers and topics on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and how technology advancements are enabling businesses to efficiently manage production and maintenance issues to realize growth potential and have a positive impact on environmental and worker safety.

PEP Member News October 2017 Issue

Small stream litter collection is a vital element to creating a clean water future. Partners for Environmental Progress is excited to collaborate with the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program on a PEP Member’s idea for a more efficient and cost-effective solution to small stream litter collection.
PEP offers its members the opportunity to get involved in the initiative to Create a Clean Water Future and is committed to continuing to find solutions with Mobile Bay NEP. See the article below on how Thompson Engineering’s idea came to life and the subsequent grant funding to sustain the effort.
Small Stream Litter Collection + A Clean Water Future is Good for Business

PEP Member News September 2017 Issue

Every business searches for efficiencies to reduce costs and increase profits. What if these efficiencies can also benefit the environment? Partners for Environmental Progress members are showing us just how cost-effective it can be to make a positive environmental impact by adopting LED lighting and solar energy.

PEP Member News August 2017 Issue

With hurricane season in full swing, it’s time to reevaluate your company’s hurricane preparation and response plan. Please see our Hurricane Preparedness Plan in the attached newsletter.