2024 Environmental Stewardship Awards

Partners for Environmental Progress (PEP) announced their annual Environmental Stewardship Awards and Community Partner Award recipients. This year’s recipients exhibited an exemplary commitment to the protection and betterment of Coastal Alabama and represented a diversity of initiatives.

Since 2005, the PEP Board of Directors has presented Environmental Stewardship Awards to recognize PEP members whose work has made a significant and positive contribution to the Gulf Coast region in three crucial areas: economic growthenvironmental health and social responsibility.  The goal of our annual awards is to inspire more businesses to follow the example of these six leaders. These companies are choosing to be more environmentally conscious and responsible. 

Each year, the PEP Board of Directors honors a Community Partner, an entity or individual that has made a lasting impact on Coastal Alabama’s sustainability and resiliency. PEP’s 2024 Community Partner award goes to Dr. P.J. Waters, an Associate Extension Professor with Auburn University.

PEP also presented a Distinguished Service Award to Robert Pinckard, a member of PEP since PEP’s early days and a PEP board member since 2020. Robert will be retiring soon from AM/NS Calvert and we are going to miss his leadership and expertise on the Board. Robert has continually supported our mission and activities and chaired our Project Committee. Robert has also volunteered at numerous public events to promote the Eagle Reef Project. Robert has helped strengthen relationships between PEP and many co-workers and he is always willing to offer a hand and a smile in any situation.

Please join us in congratulating all of our 2024 award recipients for their environmental stewardship along our Gulf Coast!

Thank you to our 2024 Video Award Sponsor!